2008 Presidential Race Recap, w/guest Alan Gitelson

After over a year of campaigning, slews of primaries and caucuses, and countless millions of dollars spent, both major parties have settled on their respective nominees… so now what? Loyola political science professor Alan Gitelson returns to join me in a look at the current state of the 2008 presidential race. Can we compare the Obama/McCain matchup to any historical presidential battles? How will the recent decision of Obama to bypass public financing for the general election impact the campaign? And will newly-crowned Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr siphon off sorely-needed votes from the McCain camp this fall? Alan Gitelson has provided election analysis for NPRWGN, and countless other media outlets around the country. [Originally broadcast on WLUW’s Under Surveillance in June 2008.]

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Kevin Fullam is a writer and researcher, with extensive experience in fields ranging from sports analytics to politics and cinema.
In addition, he has hosted two long-running radio series on film and culture, and taught mass media at Loyola University.
Episodes of his two shows, Split Reel and Under Surveillance, are archived on the Radio page.